Claims Retrospective: Working for Condominium Associations May Require a Unique Type of Vigilance.
In Claims onDesign professionals who agree to perform services for condominium associations may find themselves involved in odd claims. Over the past…
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Claims Retrospective: Non-Traditional Projects Create Increased Potential Liability
In Claims onWe have seen an increase in claims arising from non-traditional projects, where the engineering seems to involve experimental or unproven…
The Use of Statutes of Repose in Setting Record Retention and Insurance Maintenance Policies – A Difficult, but Necessary, Endeavor
In Claims onWhile engineers often use the terms “statute of limitations” and “statute of repose” interchangeably, the distinction between the two terms…
Claims Retrospective: Designs Based on the Assumption that Certain Permits/Approvals Will Be Waived or Not Required
In Claims onDesign professionals will occasionally create designs, plans, and/or drawings (collectively, referred to herein as “designs”) with the assumption that its…
How Engineers Can Inadvertently Extend Their Liability
In Claims onMost engineers understand that if they commit errors or omissions that result in damages, they may face claims from their…
Settlement Agreements – Get Them in Writing
In Claims onIt’s often beneficial for the parties of a dispute to consider an early resolution via compromise. Settlements can offer a…
An Injured Party’s Carrier Paid the Loss – Are You Off the Hook?
In Claims onConsider the following scenario: your design error has caused damage to the person or property of another, and you are…
Claims Retrospective: Trust but Verify – Relying on Client-Provided Information Can Lead to Claims
In Claims onBusiness is booming. Engineers and surveyors across the country are working longer hours to try to meet the greater demand…
Improper or Incomplete Construction Observation Services Can Give Rise to Fraud Claims
In Claims onMost design professionals do their best to avoid professional liability claims as a matter of course. However, even the most…
Claims Retrospective: What is a Claim under a Professional Liability Insurance Policy?
In Claims onSome insured engineers continue to express confusion regarding what a claim is under a professional liability insurance policy. Typically, the…