
  • Improper or Incomplete Construction Observation Services Can Give Rise to Fraud Claims

    Improper or Incomplete Construction Observation Services Can Give Rise to Fraud Claims

    In Claims on

    Most design professionals do their best to avoid professional liability claims as a matter of course. However, even the most careful design professional may find themself a defendant in civil litigation where the quality of their work is being questioned. The most common claims pursued against design professionals are for breach of contract and negligence/professional negligence.

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  • Not Being Paid – Suspension as a Possible Alternative to Termination

    Not Being Paid – Suspension as a Possible Alternative to Termination

    In Engineers on

    Most design professionals, including professional engineers, have been in a situation where their client has stopped paying their invoices for any number of reasons, whether it be insolvency, a lack of financing, a dispute over the quality or quantity of services, or some other reason. Many smart design professionals anticipate the possibility of nonpayment and include clauses in their contracts that allows the design professional…

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  • Claims Retrospective: The Importance of Considering the Effect of Your Work on Neighboring Properties

    Claims Retrospective: What is a Claim under a Professional Liability Insurance Policy?

    In Claims on

    Some insured engineers continue to express confusion regarding what a claim is under a professional liability insurance policy. Typically, the confusion is the result of one of two scenarios. Either the insured engineer does not understand the difference between a first party insurance policy and a third-party insurance policy, or the insured engineer mistakenly believes that a claim can never occur until a lawsuit or…

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  • Arbitration vs. Litigation

    Arbitration vs. Litigation

    In Engineers on

    The shutdowns and delays caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have significantly increased the backlogs in civil courts across the country, leading to an even longer period between when a case is filed and when it proceeds to trial. Given such delays, parties may be tempted to revisit binding arbitration as a quicker route to resolution than civil litigation. However, prior to determining whether to engage…

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  • Claims Retrospective: The Importance of Considering the Effect of Your Work on Neighboring Properties.

    Claims Retrospective: The Importance of Considering the Effect of Your Work on Neighboring Properties

    In Claims on

    We have seen an increase in claims by neighboring property owners to lots with significant construction. The most common claim by neighboring property owners is that the construction has or will cause more water to accumulate on or flow through their property, resulting in ponding, erosion, and other soil movement. These claims are not only costly, but also can be difficult to resolve as the…

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  • Contract Provisions Requiring an Affidavit or Certificate of Merit Prior to Filing Suit – Enforceable or Not?

    Contract Provisions Requiring an Affidavit or Certificate of Merit Prior to Filing Suit – Enforceable or Not?

    In Contracts on

    A minority of states have enacted statutes requiring that an affidavit or certificate of merit be filed in a lawsuit against a licensed professional as a threshold showing of merit. Originally prompted by public policy against frivolous medical malpractice claims, in certain states, such statutory protection is also afforded to licensed professionals outside the medical field, including engineers and architects.

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  • Claims Retrospective: The Threat to File a Licensing Complaint as a Claim or Potential Claim

    Claims Retrospective: The Threat to File a Licensing Complaint as a Claim or Potential Claim

    In Claims on

    It is not unusual for a client or others involved with a project to threaten to file a licensing proceeding when they are dissatisfied with the engineer’s services, especially if they feel the engineer has not been sufficiently responsive to their complaints. While most engineers recognize the gravity of such threats, as licensing complaints have the potential to lead to suspension or revocation of the…

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  • Consequences of Bargaining Away the American Rule

    Consequences of Bargaining Away the American Rule

    In Engineers on

    Most jurisdictions follow what is called the American Rule, whereby successful parties are responsible for their own attorney’s fees in the absence of a statute or contractual agreement allowing for recovery of such fees.1 In practice, this rule supplies equal motivation for both parties to consider an early, economically efficient settlement, as both sides likely want to avoid incurring a lot of fees and costs…

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  • Claims Retrospective: Engineers Who Have a Small Business Should Have a Contingency Plan in Place in the Event They Become Incapacitated or Die Unexpectedly

    Claims Retrospective: Engineers Who Have a Small Business Should Have a Contingency Plan in Place in the Event They Become Incapacitated or Die Unexpectedly

    In Claims on

    While no one likes to think about their death or incapacitation, it is important that owners of small businesses set up a contingency plan in case of such an event to protect not only their businesses but also their loved ones. Many of the engineers insured through the ASCE program are small businesses, consisting of sole proprietors or an entity for which there is only…

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  • Claims Retrospective: Engineers Should Address Both the Possibility and Existence of Unforeseen Conditions Directly and Immediately

    Claims Retrospective: Engineers Should Address Both the Possibility and Existence of Unforeseen Conditions Directly and Immediately

    In Claims on

    Most seasoned engineers have had the unfortunate experience of discovering an unforeseen condition that greatly affects the project after construction has already begun. These unforeseen conditions can include constituents of concern, structures, or materials that have been damaged by weather and/or wildlife, and erroneously constructed or outdated structures. Indeed, the late discovery of unforeseen conditions often causes engineers a great amount of stress—and for good…

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